Sunday, January 13, 2008

Ming Dynasty

Dates of Power

The Ming dynasty ruled over China form 1368 to 1644 A.D. after the fall of the Yuan dynasty. The Ming dynasty was a dynasty during later imperial China. The uprising of power in the Ming dynasty began when the rebel army called Hongjiinjun, led by a peasant named Zhu Yuanzhang captured the capital city of Yuan, which ended the era of the Yuan dynasty in 1367 A.D. (

Reasons for Take-over

The Yuan dynasty lasted for only about a century. The Yuan’s government led to the destruction of itself with the money and social problems, which the Mongols made worse by unfair taxation and out of control price rising. Not only that but the Yuan dynasty made suicidal campaigns to take over Japan and Java. At the end of the 14th century some of the rebellers fought against the empire and was led by the future ruler of the Ming dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang who won the campaign easily. The rebellers then after 300 years was able to unite China instead of dividing it like the before dynasties and this dynasty came to be known as the Ming dynasty.

Leaders of the Civilization

In the span of 276 years the Ming dynasty had 16 emperors that ruled the empire.
The first main emperor was Zhu Yuanzhang or the Hongwu emperor which was the name he got after his army he led to defeat the Yuan’s emperor. Zhu was known for his political and military achievements. The second main emperor that ruled over China in the Ming dynasty would be emperor Chenzu whose reign was known as the Yongle period. During his reign he was able to improve the economy and promote his relations with foreign goverments. By 1436 when the dynasty was already in decline Emperor Yingzong and the other emperors who ruled after him could not get the strength of the economy and the government back again. (

Holy Roman Emperor and Hungarian King: Sigismund

Sigismund was a roman emperor for four years and also was the king of Hungary for 50 years being one of the longest kings to ever rule over Hungary. Sigismund became the king of Hungary when he married the queen Mary of Hungary therefore he was able to become the king after two years. Sigismund’s greatest achievement was when he led his army and defeated the Ottoman Empire at the great battle of Nicopolis.
(,_Holy_Roman_Emperor )


The Ming dynasty contributed a lot to culture, technology, economy improvements, social changes, and government changes for the good of China. During the Ming dynasty there were many novels written with everyday language, where the best of them are still read today. Art was also developed a lot during the Ming dynasty where wood-cut and block-printing became popular. The Ming dynasty also helped people nowadays with information and history during that time because there were encyclopedias and dictionaries written during that time. The greatest accomplishment by far for the era of the Ming dynasty was the completion of the Great Wall of China. Even though the dynasties before had built part of the wall, most of it was built or repaired by the Ming government. As a result of the Great Wall being built, there were great military improvements for China. This is because their defense\\ had improved as there were watch towers and cannons placed along the wall making it almost impossible to break down China’s offense. (

Reasons for fall

The downfall of the Ming dynasty was because there was a weakness in the government to supply food in the time of a famine. ( Ironically the decline of the Ming was actually the organization of the empire. The government did not prepare themselves in case there was a rebellion. So when the rebellion had come the Manchus completely racked the country and was very successful with their attacks. Another reason for the decline of the Ming was the political views which were that all power should be for the emperor. (

Work cited
(,_Holy_Roman_Emperor )

Picture Cited
( (

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